Over the weekend I flew to Minneapolis, MN and drove with my parents from there to Appleton , WI for my brothers wedding. It was great to see all my family again. Its not as easy to see them as it used to be, now that I live about 1500 miles from my parents and 800 miles from my younger brother.
As for school, we had Monday off, of course, for Memorial day. Tuesday started up again with a new chapter in Positioning class on Abdomenal (aka KUBs), esophagus and UGI (stomach and duodenum) positioning. All very interesting. One big change with this chapter is the administration of contrast material for esophograms and UGIs. In this case, the contrast is barium sulfate taken orally. Air is also sometimes used for a double-contrast image.
We also did our CPR/BLS certification class on Tuesday after Positioning. I had been certified before when I was a lifeguard in college, so I knew what to expect. Our instructor was someone from a different dept at the school and I am very thankful she is not one of our regular instructors. She was a psycho!! She started the class by bitching about how we sit in the hallway during our breaks and how it is a fire hazard. Great first impression on the class. She then proceded to give one of the most inconsistent, disjointed lectures on CPR that I have ever had. I was counting down the minutes to the test at the end of class. Luckily I passed, so I never have to see her again. I dont have my official card yet, since they are on back order, but they should be arriving soon.
So thats whats been happening. Nothing too exciting. Just life in all it glory. I hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day weekend.
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